Friday, August 6, 2010

Post Transplant (Week 13)

*(Day +83), Monday, (August 2nd) was painful. I was so sore from the spinal tap so I basically just took a bunch of pain meds and slept all day. Nothing really exciting. I don't remember much of this day because I was so out of it.

*(Day +84),Tuesday, (August 3rd) was a little better. I was still sore from the spinal tap but I did manage to be awake and alert for most of the day. I also left my room and walked a few laps around the unit. It took me forever to walk a few laps because I kept stopping to talk to the nurses. I also had to drag my pole with me so I couldn't walk very fast. I can't wait until I'm not hooked up to this pole anymore. It slows me down and gets in the way of everything.

*(Day +85),Wednesday, (August 4th) was a crummy day. I was supposed to go to the National Poetry Slam but I felt so crappy that we didn't go. I also got an echo done and they found a cardiac effusion in my heart (fluid around the heart). Apparently it's not a big deal and should go away. Other than that, I just had a visit from the pain team because we're trying to find some drugs that will take this terrible back pain away.

*(Day +86),Thursday, (August 5th) was a boring day. I just rested because I wasn't feeling well. Still haven't made it to the National Poetry Slam yet.

*(Day +87), Friday, (August 6th) was a little better. Three weeks from today I have my check-out meeting and then I get to come home! This morning I woke up and my headache was gone. Finally. My back still hurts along with my ribs and chest. My throat also still hurts but the docs looked at it and said it looked fine. The pain team gave me some pretty strong drugs so I was pretty drowsy all day and kept falling asleep. Besides sleeping, I spent my day mostly just watching TV and being social with the nurses. I'm starting to feel better but I can tell I'm still fighting something. Hopefully it'll get better soon.

*(Day +88),Saturday, (August 7th) was a better day. I felt better so I was able to leave the hospital for a few hours to go to the National Poetry Slam. I got to meet Anis Mojgani, my favorite slam poet. He was super nice and signed my DVD and book. I also got a t-shirt. Afterwards we ate at white castle for the first time ever. I got the mini cheeseburgers and cheese fries. It was basically cheese fries with a spicy cheese sauce on top. It reminded me of the cheese sauce from taco bell. It was awesomely delicious but also kinda nasty.

*(Day +89),Sunday, (August 8th) was a boring day. I was supposed to be discharged but I still wasn't feeling good so they decided to keep me. I mostly just rested all day.

**Reason of the week: I was blessed enough to be able to attend the 2010 National Poetry Slam this year. I saw some amazing poets perform. Good poetry is definitely a reason to smile. **

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